Thursday, October 30, 2008

Assignments and homeworks coming in

So whats the homework for this week? CD, CS, BM and even Photography got work... Yesterday lend the DSLR camera for the first time from my bro's friend, lucky he really lend. But suddenly want back at night... what to do, not mine, so have to give back lor >.<

After this week, my life will change drastically. My dad who's been working in China for a long time is coming back to work in Malaysia. Got good and bad la... but then since my house only got one car, he will take the car to work... so what will I drive to school!? Omg, not taking buses and taxis again, I hate those hard times...!

Hope will buy another car, any car, soon... living without a car is such a hassle, nooooo!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Adding links is so much hassle!

Wah, sure tiring just to add a couple of links... those that I missed please tell me so I can add u ASAP... >.<;

Today went to market in the morning with my mom, as usual. Maybe it's the festive seasons, not so many cars on the streets... which means I can speed, hahaha! Need to go here and there, being eldest son sure is tough >.>

Haven't touch any homeworks and assignments. This morning Adrian, Douglas and Robin came to take the art paper I helped them buy yesterday. They forget to leave me tips (eh, kerja mesti ada upah, right?), lol... Tomorrow must do work liao, cannot be lazy...!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Adding Links

Oh yah, please add me in your blog links, if you have one. And leave your blog link here so I can add you all too. Happy blogging!

Welcome to Jason's blog!

Ok, this blog was not created recently but abandoned for a long time. So since I see so many of my classmates are blogging, I also want to join in the fun...!

A little bit about myself... I'm the class rep of U5 in DML1, which is Multimedia Design. Thanks to all that supported me, I will try my best to be the best! Sometimes I may update this blog with news and updates about class cancel/ experience/ my life/ etc. Basically a rojak blog! If I have a DSLR camera, this would have been a photo blog... sigh, no money T_T

Leave comments, and I will surely reply before updating to the next new post. I hope you all will enjoy, sayonara!